The Man Booker Prize Лауреатом
Букеровской премии-2009 ("The Man Booker Prize") стала английская писательница
Хилари Мэнтел (Hilary Mantel). Награда за лучшую книгу на английском языке была
присуждена историческому роману "Вулф Холл" (Wolf Hall), который повествует
о Томасе Кромвеле, политическом деятеле Англии XVI века и главном советнике короля
Генриха VIII из династии Тюдоров. Букеровская премия — одна из самых престижных
наград в мире английской литературы. Присуждается автору, проживающему в одной
из стран Содружества наций или в Ирландии, за роман написанный на английском языке.
Впервые вручение награды состоялось в 1969 году. С 2002 года спонсором Букеровской
премии выступает группа компаний Man, потому полное официальное название премии
— The Man Booker Prize.
---------- Hilary
Mantel Wolf
Hall Твердый переплет (2009) 2009 г. Твердый переплет, 672 стр. ISBN
0007230184 ЗАКАЗАТЬ
'Lock Cromwell in a deep dungeon in the morning,' says Thomas More, 'and
when you come back that night he'll be sitting on a plush cushion eating larks'
tongues, and all the gaolers will owe him money.' England, the 1520s. Henry VIII
is on the throne, but has no heir. Cardinal Wolsey is his chief advisor, charged
with securing the divorce the pope refuses to grant. Into this atmosphere of distrust
and need comes Thomas Cromwell, first as Wolsey's clerk, and later his successor.
Cromwell is a wholly original man: the son of a brutal blacksmith, a political
genius, a briber, a charmer, a bully, a man with a delicate and deadly expertise
in manipulating people and events. Ruthless in pursuit of his own interests, he
is as ambitious in his wider politics as he is for himself. His reforming agenda
is carried out in the grip of a self-interested parliament and a king who fluctuates
between romantic passions and murderous rages. From one of our finest living writers,
Wolf Hall is that very rare thing: a truly great English novel, one that explores
the intersection of individual psychology and wider politics. With a vast array
of characters, and richly overflowing with incident, it peels back history to
show us Tudor England as a half-made society, moulding itself with great passion
and suffering and courage. About the Author Hilary Mantel is one of our most important
living writers. She is the author of eleven books, including A Place of Greater
Safety, Giving Up the Ghost, and, most recently, Beyond Black, which was shortlisted
for the 2006 Orange Prize.