2.104 Некоторые существительные — сигналы прямой и косвенной речи способны показать, каким образом чужая речь встраивается в более широкий контекст высказывания (ср. урок 289). После следующих существительных может идти придаточное предложение, вводимое союзом 'that'. После существительных, помеченных звёздочкой (*), может стоять цитата.
agreement answer* denial | quote* rejoinder* reply* | response* retort* riposte* |
Intensive questioning elicited the reluctant answer that he had had one or two minor seizures of a similar nature in the last few months.
His legal case rested on the denial that succession to the peerage meant disqualification from the House of Commons.
A representative of the firm gave the rather quaint reply that 'the structure of the company is so complex that it prevents analysis within the laid-down criteria'.
Often I have answered a mother's question, 'What shall I do about my child?' with the reply, 'Go and get yourself analyzed.'
One who tried to persuade a doubter that the Prime Minister would stop handbagging her colleagues met with the riposte: 'You told me that before last year's election.'