2.108 Во многих случаях, когда мы используем существительное — сигнал косвенной речи, мы не упоминаем ни говорящего, ни выслушивающего сказанное. Однако, если мы хотим упомянуть того, чью речь мы передаём, можно использовать данное существительное в притяжательном падеже.
I didn't give much thought to her claim that she was
being followed.
Mr Highhawk's suggestion that the museum make models
of the skeletons and rebury the originals was not practical.
также использовать какое-либо прилагательное или существительное, уточняющее значение
слова — сигнала косвенной речи. Это особенно справедливо в отношении слов, обозначающих
национальности и общественные инструменты.
'The opinions of the papers
on how to take the American announcement that it was prepared for face-to-face
talks show differing views.
Scuffles have broken out in central Hong Kong following
a government statement that the Bank of Credit and Commerce International
is to be liquidated.
Можно также использовать словосочетание, начинающееся
с предлога 'by', или, реже, начинающееся с предлога 'from'.
A gasp
of astonishment greeted the announcement by Mr Martin Jones that he would
not be calling any such evidence at all.
Ten suspected spies have been arrested
this week following an admission by Kuron that he had passed secrets to
East Berlin.
The American announcement follows a warning from the Central
Intelligence Agency that the country had developed a considerable stockpile
of weapons.
2.109 Если вы хотите упомянуть того, кто выслушивает
обращённую к нему речь, можно использовать предложное словосочетание, начинающееся
с 'to'.
Perhaps her own coldness had somehow given strength to the Count's plea to Tim to return.
Perhaps the most revealing insight provided by Mitterrand was his confession to a journalist that 'I have chosen a career which runs counter to a powerful strain in my character'.
I'm ready to swear that Charlie dropped a hint to me once that he'd been on the stage.