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Модератор форума: Lady  
LadyDate: Среда, 2006-11-15, 10:58 PM | Message # 1
Group: Модераторы
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Правила игры.

Игроки пишут по одному или по несколько предложений.
Рассказ должен быть связным.
Естественно, пишем на английском языке.

Post edited by Lady - Воскресенье, 2007-02-25, 2:44 PM
VeraDate: Воскресенье, 2007-02-11, 4:41 PM | Message # 46
Group: Пользователи
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...about this toad. I think you must know, that our toad is enchanted prince..."
LiaDate: Воскресенье, 2007-02-11, 5:06 PM | Message # 47
Group: Проверенные
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"Really? But why didn't you tell me?" - asked Mila, looking at the toad.
"Well, I don't know" - answered the toad.
"Oh, come on! Don't be shy!" - shouted Wizard, - He didn't tell it to you because he didn't want to scare you and he thought that you would refuse to help him! The point is that he need to be kissed by a girl!. That's all!"...
maldiva7051Date: Воскресенье, 2007-02-11, 8:41 PM | Message # 48
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Heyy heyy,yes its true i need to be kissed by a girl, but this girl should love me !!!- said the toad.
Mila was looking at him with a great surprise!!! She doesnt know how could she love the toad!!! She would like to help him but she wasnt sure she is a suitable person. Wizard just considered for a moment and took a long breath .... Well we have one more variant
LiaDate: Понедельник, 2007-02-12, 8:42 AM | Message # 49
Group: Проверенные
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"...Well we have one more variant, - said Wizard to Mila. - Using my magic and power I can show you how the toad looked like when he was a man. If you fell in love with him you could breake the witchery! I think we have to try" - said Wizard, then he went to the table and begun to prepare the magic portion.
"Well, I don't mind. If you think that it's the only way to help him I will do my best!" - said Mila, taking the toad and trying to find any signs of a beautiful prince in it.
maldiva7051Date: Понедельник, 2007-02-12, 10:41 PM | Message # 50
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Mila was worrying a lot, she understood that wizard is a kind-hearted person and the prince is not innocent that he is a toad.But she always asked myself what if i wouldnt fall in love with him? what have i do after? How could i help the poor toad?For her young and naive heart it was so inconceivable to fall in love just coz she must do it!!!!!
Wizard was making smth all the day , sometimes she heard the terrible noises of the mini explosions in his huge copper.She was sitting on the big stone near the cave entrance and ..............
LiaDate: Вторник, 2007-02-13, 8:37 AM | Message # 51
Group: Проверенные
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...She was sitting on the big stone near the cave entrance when she suddenly heard the conversation of two people. She was sure that there were two people, talking to each other loudly. Then she saw a tall man, coming out of the cave and holding a toad's skin. His eyes were covered with dark long hair so she couldn't see his face yet. She hesitated for a moment....
VeraDate: Вторник, 2007-02-13, 10:36 AM | Message # 52
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Mila thought: "Yes, he is handsome, he is like my ideal! But this situation is too stupid! What can I do?"
maldiva7051Date: Четверг, 2007-02-15, 1:17 AM | Message # 53
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Mila was amazed how gorgeous was he!!!She couldnt even suspect him to be such handsome!!!He was looking at her with his deep green eyes. She took a deep breath and made the backward step !!!!At that momet she was lost she didnt know what to expect and what to think of.Mila had some fear and felt that smth is wrong. Originally she was from the decent family and this time she was on the top to do something light!!!To fall in love immediatly was something unbeliveble for her!!!! But she felt she was tempted.....
LiaDate: Четверг, 2007-02-15, 6:47 PM | Message # 54
Group: Проверенные
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"At last I can introduce myself", the prince said. "My name is William IV. My father is a ruler of far far away Kingdom and I believe he will be glad to meet you", the prince smiled showing his charming smile.
"Nice to meet you, your highness!" - Mila said and felt her knees cutting down. Then her head swimed and she lost her balance. If the prince didn't rushed foward and catch her with his strong arms she would have fell down from the cliff.
Still holding her in his arms he whispered in her ear:"Since I saw you I can't stop thinking and dreaming about you."
"Well, my dear friends!" - Wizard said looking at them, "don't forget that you have only 20 minutes before the prince will wear the toad's skin again".
maldiva7051Date: Суббота, 2007-02-17, 6:13 PM | Message # 55
Group: Проверенные
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Finally Mila calmed down and was able to understand everything clearly. Now she was looking at him and observing. She felt she was about to fell in love with him but smth again was alarming her!!!
"I would like to ask you something"-said young girl.
"Of course my dear u can ask everything u want" - answered Prince
"Should prince love the girl too? And if yes, can u say me that u love me??"asked girl
The prince was near to say smth but suddenly he saw the old witch behind Mila......
LiaDate: Воскресенье, 2007-02-18, 3:29 PM | Message # 56
Group: Проверенные
Posts: 779
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"Hello my dear poopsies!!!" - the witch said. "Didn't you really think that you could escape from me?". She laughed very loudly."Oh, did I missed something important?" - she laughed again.
"Go away!!!" - Wizard shouted. "Or I don't know what I can do with you!!!!"
"That's right! You don't know because you can't do anything with me!!! You know that I have such power that I can make you obey me!!!" - the witch shouted and pull out her magic stick repeating only three strange words: boopy-goopy-doopy, boopy-goopy-doopy, boopy-goopy-doopy!!!!. Then she pointed her magic stick upon the wizard and......
maldiva7051Date: Воскресенье, 2007-02-18, 9:58 PM | Message # 57
Group: Проверенные
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She pointed the stick upon the wizard but the prince have screened the wizard with his back so as a result he turned into the frog again.
Ahh what a heroic deed !!! so u will never be the human -screamed the devil witch and pointed with the stick upon the frog again. But suddenly the dark smog appeared in the corner of cave and they saw the contour of the human ......
LiaDate: Понедельник, 2007-02-19, 2:54 PM | Message # 58
Group: Проверенные
Posts: 779
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.....they saw a contour of the human approaching to them.
"Oh!!! It is not possible! It can't be true!!!" the wizard shouted. "I can't believe it!!! Alice!!!! My dear daughter!!!. How...? What?.... I...I thought you were dead!!!!" wizard could not believe his own eyes.
"Yes, father, but there is no time to explain!!! Look out!!!" - Alice cried out and pushed her father in the cave. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long!!! And now, you damned witch, I'll fight you!!! I stole your magic book so I possess all your knowledge!!! So prepare to die!!!" - Alice shouted and pointed her magic stick upon the witch...
maldiva7051Date: Пятница, 2007-02-23, 0:35 AM | Message # 59
Group: Проверенные
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Alice has whispered something not very clear and the devil witch turned into the small smooth balck stone.
Wizard was so happy that he at least has found his daughter. He huged her and kissed her and there were no limites for his father s love!!!
in the meanwhile princes was looking at the toad who was sitting near the cave and crying. He was so pitiful, the young girl took him and bigen to cry also. Now they both were in love but he was still the toad.
LiaDate: Пятница, 2007-03-02, 7:39 PM | Message # 60
Group: Проверенные
Posts: 779
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But when first Milas tear dropped on the toad the sky turned into dark and the fog covered the toad. Then she heard so familiar soft voice and in a minute later she saw her prince at last. He was as handsome as she had seen him an hour ago.
"Mila!!! Im free now!!! And I owe you my life for you saved it!!!" the prince said.
"Im so happy that you are a man again. But I think we must thank wizards daughter!" Mila said.
And they thanked Alice who was still sitting near her father telling her long life-story about how shes been living all these years and why she couldnt say a word about her existence.
"It is over now" the wizard said at last "We all out of danger. And now, my friends, we have to think how to take you home".
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