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Модератор форума: Lady, Sheeee, sorciere  
Good or Bad?
LadyDate: Четверг, 2007-06-14, 0:02 AM | Message # 1
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 683
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Игра начинается с того, что кто-то пишет фразу. Например:

"Когда много дел - это хорошо, не задумываешься о глупостях."

Следующий играющий отвечает, например вот так:

"Когда не задумываешься о глупостях - это плохо, потому что тогда начинаешь ко всему относиться слишком серьезно."

Понятия "хорошо" и "плохо" строго чередуются.

Так как игра в разделе английские игры - в нашем слушае все фразы обязательно должны быть на английском языке и соответственно вместо "хорошо" и "плохо" - "good" и "bad".

Чувство юмора в игре только приветствуется!

LiaDate: Среда, 2007-06-20, 9:18 PM | Message # 31
Group: Проверенные
Posts: 779
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It is bad if your head soon will be OK and you'll be having a lot of information, because you won't have an additinal rest from job. holiday
LadyDate: Среда, 2007-06-20, 9:31 PM | Message # 32
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 683
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Don't have an additinal rest from job is good (жесть wacko ) because soon you'll be very quality worker

sorciereDate: Среда, 2007-06-20, 11:57 PM | Message # 33
Group: Модераторы
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If you are a highly qualified worker it is bad because you will be overloaded with additional work tongue

But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
LadyDate: Четверг, 2007-06-21, 0:13 AM | Message # 34
Group: Модераторы
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If you will be overloaded with additional work... Sometimes it really good actually, because for some time you will forget your troubles and alarms

sorciereDate: Четверг, 2007-06-21, 9:23 PM | Message # 35
Group: Модераторы
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If you forget your troubles it is bad for you will never solve them and leave all the problems unresolved

But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
LadyDate: Четверг, 2007-06-21, 9:53 PM | Message # 36
Group: Модераторы
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Leave all the problems unresolved is good becouse you would have some time for rest

LiaDate: Пятница, 2007-06-22, 8:58 AM | Message # 37
Group: Проверенные
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It is bad if you have some time to rest because in according with well known proverb - we have only 1 hour to rest wink
sorciereDate: Пятница, 2007-06-22, 11:07 AM | Message # 38
Group: Модераторы
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To have only an hour to rest is actually good for you will have a lot of time for things by far more unteresting than rest biggrin

But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
LiaDate: Пятница, 2007-06-22, 3:08 PM | Message # 39
Group: Проверенные
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It is bad if you have a lot of time for things by far more unteresting than rest, because human body needs a rest and there is no any interesting thing in the world that could substitute the rest for pleasure.
sorciereDate: Суббота, 2007-06-23, 0:06 AM | Message # 40
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 1283
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It is good that your body needs some rest otherwise you would be all strains, stresses and muscles

But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
LiaDate: Суббота, 2007-06-23, 1:43 PM | Message # 41
Group: Проверенные
Posts: 779
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It is really bad if you had been all strains, stresses and muscles, it would have brought you to a hospital bed.
FriendDate: Понедельник, 2007-06-25, 6:35 PM | Message # 42
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If it brought you to a hospital bed it is good because you can recover your health.

I want to know English well.
LiaDate: Понедельник, 2007-06-25, 7:02 PM | Message # 43
Group: Проверенные
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It is bad if you always recover your health because in any case someday you will die
cheeryDate: Понедельник, 2007-06-25, 7:38 PM | Message # 44
Group: Проверенные
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to die it is good because you haven't worry about you future
LiaDate: Вторник, 2007-06-26, 11:14 AM | Message # 45
Group: Проверенные
Posts: 779
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it is bad if you don't worry about your futur even if you dead, because there is a new life in other world angel

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