Good or Bad?
Lady | Date: Четверг, 2007-06-14, 0:02 AM | Message # 1 |
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| Правила. Игра начинается с того, что кто-то пишет фразу. Например: "Когда много дел - это хорошо, не задумываешься о глупостях." Следующий играющий отвечает, например вот так: "Когда не задумываешься о глупостях - это плохо, потому что тогда начинаешь ко всему относиться слишком серьезно." Понятия "хорошо" и "плохо" строго чередуются. Так как игра в разделе английские игры - в нашем слушае все фразы обязательно должны быть на английском языке и соответственно вместо "хорошо" и "плохо" - "good" и "bad". Чувство юмора в игре только приветствуется!
sorciere | Date: Понедельник, 2007-06-18, 3:33 PM | Message # 16 |
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| If it scares sensitive people it is good for them for they become stronger
But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
Lia | Date: Понедельник, 2007-06-18, 5:06 PM | Message # 17 |
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| It is bad if sansitive people become stronger, because they become harder and rougher too
Lady | Date: Понедельник, 2007-06-18, 11:01 PM | Message # 18 |
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| It is good, when sensitive people become harder and rouger too, because there would be less crying peple on this planet.
chichi | Date: Вторник, 2007-06-19, 0:25 AM | Message # 19 |
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| It would be bad if there were less crying people on this planet, because tears can be sometimes really useful and helpful
They say to follow your heart, but how can you when it is blinded by love?
Lia | Date: Вторник, 2007-06-19, 10:56 AM | Message # 20 |
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| It is good that tears can be sometimes really useful and helpful, they wash all negative out of a soul
sorciere | Date: Вторник, 2007-06-19, 12:41 PM | Message # 21 |
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| If they wash all the negative from the soul it will be bad for too much sugar of positivism makes the tea of life undrinkable 
But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
Lia | Date: Вторник, 2007-06-19, 4:30 PM | Message # 22 |
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| If too much sugar of positivism makes the tea of life undrinkable it is certainly good because it is much better to drink tea with sugar than with salt!!!
Lady | Date: Вторник, 2007-06-19, 8:13 PM | Message # 23 |
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| drink tea with sugar than with salt - that's bad, becouse it makes you as predictable as other peaple 
sorciere | Date: Среда, 2007-06-20, 0:08 AM | Message # 24 |
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| If you are predictable to others it's good (can't believe I said it ) for you are viewed as a reliable person
But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
Lia | Date: Среда, 2007-06-20, 8:31 AM | Message # 25 |
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| It is bad if you are viewed as a raliable person because everybody will want you to handle they problems!
chichi | Date: Среда, 2007-06-20, 8:50 AM | Message # 26 |
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| It is good if everybody should want to handle you their problems, 'cause it means that they trust you and beliieve that you can help and support them (what a stupid thing I must have just said but it's the game )
They say to follow your heart, but how can you when it is blinded by love?
Lia | Date: Среда, 2007-06-20, 8:59 AM | Message # 27 |
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| It is bad if everybody trust you and believe that you can help and support them, because they will ask you to help them even if you tired or busy with your own business!
sorciere | Date: Среда, 2007-06-20, 3:01 PM | Message # 28 |
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| Quote (Lia) If too much sugar of positivism makes the tea of life undrinkable it is certainly good because it is much better to drink tea with sugar than with salt!!! вопрос к Lia, если "чай невозможно пить", то вывод, что дринкать этот чай лучше с сахаром, чем с солью, кажется чуть-чуть нелогичным It is definitely good if people will ask you to help them even if you tired or busy because you will know for sure what is going on around you.
But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
Lia | Date: Среда, 2007-06-20, 3:25 PM | Message # 29 |
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| Quote (sorciere) вопрос к Lia, если "чай невозможно пить", то вывод, что дринкать этот чай лучше с сахаром, чем с солью, кажется чуть-чуть нелогичным ну ведь мы говорим о чае жизни, которые даже если и не возможно пить, а придется, жить то ведь надо дальше. поэтому закономерный вопрос - каким будет этот чай жизни - чересчур сладким (который ну совершенно нельзя взять в рот) или соленый (что на мой взгляд еще хуже ) вобщем-то sorciere сама придумала такую метафору с чаем жизни, а мне пришлось выдумывать продолжение, не судите строго! It is bad if you know what is going on around you, because too much information will make your head ill
Lady | Date: Среда, 2007-06-20, 7:58 PM | Message # 30 |
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| If too much information will make your head ill - that's good becouse your head soon will be OK and you'll be having a lot of information. 