Приложение к игре "Riddle Rebuses and Puzzle" - Форум

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Модератор форума: Lady, Sheeee, sorciere  
Приложение к игре "Riddle Rebuses and Puzzle"
LadyDate: Суббота, 2007-02-03, 1:29 PM | Message # 1
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 683
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Здесь будут выложены загадки, которые уже есть в теме Riddle Rebuses and Puzzle.
Повторять их не нужно.

Чтобы посмотреть ответ, выделите строчку после загадки курсором мыши.

LadyDate: Суббота, 2007-02-03, 1:46 PM | Message # 2
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 683
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
It has many eyes, but it can't see.
The day before yesterday he was 21 years old. He will be 24 years old next year. How you explain it?
Today is the first of January and yesterday was the girl's (or the boy's) birthday. Consequenty, on the 30th of January the girl (or was it the boy?) was still 21 and in a year she/he will be 24. i hope i got it right
A person, who buy it doesn't use this thing. A person, who use this thing doesn't know that.
Two grand masters played five parties of chess. Each of them has won and has lost identical number of sets. They have not played any set a drawn game. How could it happen?
They didn't play with each other.
What row of numbers comes next? (Страница 1, Message # 13)
Just calling number it the raw!
A man walks up to you and says - "everything I say to you is a lie." Is he telling you the truth or is he lying? Can you say a truth?
Everything is true, he just wanted to say one word "a lie", i.e. (everything I say to you is "a lie")...?
What has no legs, but can walk?
Why does a witch ride on a broom?
somewhere high in the sky... (?)
Who can build his house without any tools?
The Electric Train. (Страница 2, Message # 23)
If it is an electric train, there can't be any smoke.
What is the end of life?
Letter "e".
LadyDate: Суббота, 2007-02-03, 2:20 PM | Message # 3
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 683
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Two brothers we are, great burdens we bear,
On which we are bitterly pressed;
The truth is to say, we are full all the day,
And empty when we go to rest.

It is some sort of slippers or boots or other footwear. Башмаки.
What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the start of every end, and the end of every race?
Letter "e"!
Speaker: "Brothers and Sisters, I have none. But this man's Father is my Father's son." Who is the speaker talking about?
The man speaks about his son.
What gets wetter the more it dries?
What is broken every time it's spoken?
What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?
Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it?
the word "wholesome"
How did Mark legally marry three women in Michigan, without divorcing any of them, becoming legally separated, or any of them dying?
to marry- жениться самому и женить других. Mark - a clergyman, a priest or anyone who can marry other people
Which word is shorter if you add a syllable to it?
Short - shorter.
The Old grandparent one hundred fur coats has dressed.
an onion
There are four girls, and four apples in a basket. Every girl takes an apple, yet one apple remains in the basket? How is this possible?
You will have to part with the basket and give it to the girl you liked moreas a bonus to an apple
What has a mouth but can't chew?
The river.
Make three fourths of a cross,
And a circle complete;
And let two semicircles
On a perpendicular meet;
Next add a triangle
That stands on two feet;
Next two semicircles,
And a circle complete.

TOBACCO biggrin
Little Nanny Etticoat,
In a white petticoat,
And a red nose;
The longer she stands,
The shorter she grows.

Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it?

Formed long ago, yet made to-day,
Employed while others sleep;
What few would like to give away,
Nor any wish to keep.

A man leaves home jogging, then turns left, after making two more left turns, on his way home, he sees two masked men. Why is he not worried?
He is playing baseball, has hit a home-run and he sees an umpire and a catcher
Which road did he Take? (Page 5, Message 66)
Charlie knew the name of the village from which he had come. So he could say exactly in which direction the arm of the sign-post with the name of his village pointed. So he was able to say what roads were pointed to by the other arms.
LadyDate: Воскресенье, 2007-04-29, 2:23 PM | Message # 4
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 683
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
On what condition may Thursday come before Wednesday?
In a dictionary
Two legs sat upon three legs
With one leg in his lap;
In comes four legs
And runs away with one leg;
Up jumps two legs,
Catch up three legs,
Throws it after four legs,
And makes him bring back one leg
Суть загадки - назвать, что подразумевается под one leg, two legs, three legs and four legs

Ответ: про человека, куриную ногу, табурет и собаку/кошку.
What is more powerful than God, eviler than the Devil, the poor have, the rich need, and if you eat it you die?
Nothing. This is because there is nothing more powerful than God, nothing more evil than the Devil, the poor have nothing, the rich need nothing, and if you eat nothing you will die
Where did Pilgrims land when they arrived in America?
Не отгадано!
What animal keeps the best time?
What has a head, a tail and is brown but has no legs or feet?
Не отгадано!
What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
It's time to buy a new fence
Why can't the leopard hide anywhere?
Не отгадано!
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