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Raymond Murphy
Raymond Murphy
English Grammar in Use with Answers
Мягкая обложка (2004)

"English Grammar in Use Third Edition" is a fully updated version of the classic grammar title.

This new edition:

- offers the same easy to use format: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the right-hand page there are exercises to check understanding;
- is ideal for self-study. The study guide helps students identify the most useful language points to study;
- has nine completely new units, including eight new units on phrasal verbs to cover this important area more thoroughly;
- has a wealth of additional exercises for extra contrastive practice;
- is in full colour.


Raymond Murphy
Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English
Мягкая обложка (2005)

Essential Grammar in Use is a grammar reference and practice book for elementary learners. Modelled on Raymond Murphy`s highly successful intermediate level English Grammar in Use, it concentrates on areas of grammar normally taught at elementary level.
Easy to use: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the facing page there are exercises to check understanding.
Clear explanations: grammar for elementary learners is explained in simple language with many examples and attractive illustrations.
Accessible: the clear contents list and index of grammatical items make it easy for learners to select the units they need to study.
Additional exercises: these offer extra practice of grammar points from different units.
Appendices: these useful references deal with tenses, irregular verbs, short forms, spelling and phrasal verbs.
Self-study: the book can be used by learners working independently or as supplementary course material.
Key: this contains the answers to all exercises.

Издание на английском языке.


Отличная книга для изучения грамматики, 12 октября 2007 г.

Лучшего пособия по грамматике еще не встречала.
Информация удобно структурирована.
Единственный минус, на мой взгляд, достаточно небольшой объем практических упражнений, но и это разрешимо, в том же издательстве вышла книга с дополнительными упражнениями для Essential Grammar in Use


Raymond Murphy
English Grammar In Use with Answers and CD ROM: A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English (Grammar in Use)
Мягкая обложка (2004)

A fully updated version of the world's bestselling grammar title - extra practice is also available on the interactive CD-ROM that accompanies the book. Now in full colour, with new units, even more exercises and a brand new CD-ROM, this updated edition retains all the key features of clarity and ease-of-use that have made the book so popular with students and teachers. This exciting and substantial new CD-ROM offers a wealth of extra practice material covering all the language in English Grammar in Use Third Edition. It provides interactive grammar practice exercises which link with each unit in the book. It can be used by students studying on their own with or without the book, and a network version for use in a classroom environment or self-access lab is also available. Software by Clarity Language Consultants Ltd.

Источник: http://englishcd.ucoz.ru/publ/0-0-0-0-1
Категория: Курсы и учебные пособия иностранных | Добавил: englishcd (2007-11-01) | Автор: http://englishcd.ucoz.ru
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