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English Pronunciation Lessons with JenniferESL
2009-09-09, 7:38 PM
English Pronunciation Lessons with JenniferESL
Lesson 1a - "TH" - English Pronunciation


Lesson 1b - "TH" - English Pronunciation


Lesson 2 - "TH" - English Pronunciation


Lesson 3a - Rhythm through Rhymes - English Pronunciation


Lesson 3b - Rhythm through Rhymes - English Pronunciation


Lesson 4a - L - English Pronunciation


Lesson 4b - L - English Pronunciation


Lesson 4b (continued) - L - English Pronunciation


Lesson 4b (continued) - L - English Pronunciation


Lesson 4c - L - English Pronunciation


Lesson 4c (continued) - L - English Pronunciation


Lesson 5a - R - English Pronunciation


Lesson 5a (continued) - R - English Pronunciation


Lesson 5b - R - English Pronunciation


Lesson 5b (second part) - R - English Pronunciation


Lesson 5b (third part) - R - English Pronunciation


Lesson 5c - R and L - English Pronunciation


Lesson 5c (second part) - R and L - English Pronunciation


Lesson 6a - WORD STRESS - English Pronunciation

Категория: English Pronunciation Lessons with JenniferESL(2) | Добавил: Valery71 | Теги: English Pronunciation Lessons with
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