Riddle Rebuses and Puzzle - Страница 3 - Форум

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Модератор форума: Lady, Sheeee, sorciere  
Riddle Rebuses and Puzzle
LadyDate: Понедельник, 2006-12-04, 8:43 PM | Message # 1
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 683
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Правила: желающие выкладывают здесь загадки на английском языке. Можно писать и русские загадки, но переведенные на английский язык. Только так, чтобы смысл от этого не менялся и не зависел от языка. Загадывать можно сразу несколько штук одновременно.

Чтобы загадка не потерялась, выделяйте ее жирным шрифтом, ответ на загадку - фиолетовым. Еще не забывайте подтверждать правильный ответ.

Список загадок-отгадок здесь. Пожалуйста, не повторяйте их.
Но если загадка, которую Вы хотите загадать есть в этом списке, но она так и осталась неразгаданной, а у Вас есть на нее ответ, Вы можете загадать ее еще раз.

chichiDate: Пятница, 2007-01-12, 11:28 PM | Message # 31
Group: Проверенные
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Perhaps it is some sort of slippers or boots or other footwear?

They say to follow your heart, but how can you when it is blinded by love?
LadyDate: Суббота, 2007-01-13, 0:55 AM | Message # 32
Group: Модераторы
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Quote (mishkina)
я незнаю чья очередь

Загадывать может любой желающий, без очереди.
mishkinaDate: Суббота, 2007-01-13, 11:35 PM | Message # 33
Group: Модераторы
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Two brothers we are, great burdens we bear,
On which we are bitterly pressed;
The truth is to say, we are full all the day,
And empty when we go to rest.

Perhaps it is some sort of slippers or boots or other footwear?

You are RIGHT!!! There are shoes!!!!

по русски она звучит так

Всюду, всюду мы вдвоем
Неразлучные идем.
Мы гуляем по лугам,
По зеленым берегам,
Вниз по лестнице сбегаем,
Вдоль по улице шагаем.
Но чуть вечер на порог,
Остаемся мы без ног,
А безногим - вот беда! -
Ни туда и ни сюда!
Что ж? Полезем под кровать,
Будем там тихонько спать,
А когда вернутся ноги,
Вновь поскачем по дороге.

БАШМАКИ biggrin

The heart has its reasons of which reason know nothing.
sorciereDate: Вторник, 2007-01-16, 1:07 AM | Message # 34
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 1283
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What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the start of every end, and the end of every race?

Speaker: "Brothers and Sisters, I have none. But this man's Father is my Father's son." Who is the speaker talking about?

What gets wetter the more it dries?

What is broken every time it's spoken?

What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?

Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it?

How did Mark legally marry three women in Michigan, without divorcing any of them, becoming legally separated, or any of them dying?

Everyone enjoy!!!! :D

LadyDate: Вторник, 2007-01-16, 2:28 AM | Message # 35
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 683
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Which word is shorter if you add a syllable to it?
SheeeeDate: Вторник, 2007-01-16, 9:38 AM | Message # 36
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 432
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Quote (sorciere)
What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the start of every end, and the end of every race?

Letter "e"!

Quote (Lady)
What is broken every time it's spoken?


Quote (Lady)
Which word is shorter if you add a syllable to it?

Short - shorter

LadyDate: Вторник, 2007-01-16, 3:29 PM | Message # 37
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 683
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Quote (Lady)
What is broken every time it's spoken?

Quote (Sheeee)

Quote (Lady)
Which word is shorter if you add a syllable to it?

Quote (Sheeee)

Exellent! snegurochka

mishkinaDate: Вторник, 2007-01-16, 10:47 PM | Message # 38
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 700
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Speaker: "Brothers and Sisters, I have none. But this man's Father is my Father's son." Who is the speaker talking about?

may be BROTHER ?

The heart has its reasons of which reason know nothing.

Post edited by mishkina - Вторник, 2007-01-16, 10:49 PM
pupilDate: Среда, 2007-01-17, 4:53 AM | Message # 39
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 741
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Quote (mishkina)
sorciere, Quote Speaker: "Brothers and Sisters, I have none. But this man's Father is my Father's son." Who is the speaker talking about?

may be BROTHER ?

I think, it is speaker's nephew. (племянник т.е., т.к. "у меня нет никого, но отец этого человека сын моего отца" т.е. брата говорящего)

Добавлено (2007-01-17, 4:53 Am)
The Old grandparent one hundred fur coats has dressed.

Post edited by pupil - Среда, 2007-01-17, 4:46 AM
mishkinaDate: Среда, 2007-01-17, 5:56 AM | Message # 40
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 700
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline

I am not sure,
But I think it is brother or step - brother. It is only my opinion. wink

The heart has its reasons of which reason know nothing.
pupilDate: Среда, 2007-01-17, 8:17 AM | Message # 41
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 741
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Status: Offline
Who is it a step - brother?
SheeeeDate: Среда, 2007-01-17, 9:55 AM | Message # 42
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 432
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Quote (sorciere)
Speaker: "Brothers and Sisters, I have none. But this man's Father is my Father's son." Who is the speaker talking about?

The man speaks about his son.

Quote (sorciere)
What gets wetter the more it dries?

Wonderful riddle - no chance to resolve when translated - or I just can think of no adequate translation. cool

Post edited by Lady - Среда, 2007-01-17, 6:22 PM
SheeeeDate: Среда, 2007-01-17, 12:29 PM | Message # 43
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 432
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
There are four girls, and four apples in a basket. Every girl takes an apple, yet one apple remains in the basket? How is this possible?
mishkinaDate: Среда, 2007-01-17, 6:16 PM | Message # 44
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 700
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
step - brother

это сын родителя, от предыдушего брака wink

The heart has its reasons of which reason know nothing.

Post edited by mishkina - Четверг, 2007-01-18, 6:10 AM
SheeeeDate: Четверг, 2007-01-18, 10:06 AM | Message # 45
Group: Модераторы
Posts: 432
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Quote (sorciere)
What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?

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